Elgomhouria Languages Schools

physical education at El Gomhouria Language Schools

Learn about physical education at El Gomhouria Language Schools



First: The vision, mission and target of the activity

1-Providing the best elements in the field of physical education to work as physical education teachers.

2- Providing the latest and best sports tools in the field to serve the physical education session.

3-Making the physical education class a great goal to occupy and develop the different skills of male and female students practising the activity in order to raise their physical and mental level and develop the spirit of cooperation between students and collective participation and the development of brotherhood and control of psychological, behavioral and sports factors that they have.

4- Making the practised sports activity within the physical education class a great importance to male and female students so that through it the creation and formation of a spirit of positive psychological comfort so that they can practise the rest of the lessons during the school day.


Fields of sports activity

First: The practised activity during the weekly sports training session through the academic schedule.

Second: The internal and external activity.

Third: The external and internal participations in the celebrations of the physical Education Department

Fourth: Entertaining activities for all students (boys and girls) during the school year.

Fifth: Choosing some of the school’s best male and female students to form the arms of physical education in the school and to assume some positions within the school.

Sixth: Online Physical Education Activity.


First: Defining what is a physical education class

Providing the latest sports tools in the sports field to serve the physical education session.

*To raise the level of physical fitness through sports exercises practising during the class according to each age stage, through the use of the provided sports tools and equipment.

*To teach all male and female students the different sports skills on an educational basis and on the latest methods of the rules of the curriculum of the Faculty of Physical Education.

*Use of the scientific method in motive development to raise the level of the student in all life circumstances.

*Through the physical education class, the best elements that can join the school’s team are chosen in all sports activities to represent the school with friendly sports meetings and sports competitions and activities associated with the direction of physical education and educational administration.

*Use of modern methods for the kindergarten stage.

Like performing rhythmic exercises on music – applying the best small games to raise the level of flexibility, alertness, endurance and strength, distinguished by their speed.

*Provide a designated area for kindergarten students that contains many entertaining games through which the student’s excess charge is discharged and is practised under the supervision of the Physical Education Department.


Secondly, the internal and external activities

The Department of physical education participates in many activities, whether internal or external activities.

*A sports league is made between all academic semesters in its various stages in the form of a club league. It is divided into three mornings before the queue – the midday rest period – the evening period after the end of the school day, and those who get the first four places are awarded (a certificate of appreciation – medals – an incentive that may be material or moral – in addition to the cup of the first-place team)

*A league is established in group and individual games (for boys and girls) both separately, such as: football – basketball – handball – volleyball – speed ball

( Individual games such as arm wrestling – tug of war – other skill games)

*Kindergarten competitions: Contests are held with small games in order to motivate them and enter the idea of ​​obtaining the position (first, second or third), which drives him later to ensure that he gets first places in all parts of his practical and scientific life.

*Conducting qualifiers in all stages to choose the best experts of sports activities in order to form the school team and the stage team to represent the school in friendly and official external competitions.


Third: External activities and participation

1- Friendly meetings are organized in different group and individual sports games between students of other schools in the form of a sports day in which the best members of the participating schools participate in the day.

2- Students joining the school’s team participate in it in various sports, whether group or individual games, to meet their colleagues from other schools.

3- Prizes are awarded to the first four winners.

4- The school participates in all sports competitions of the Ministry of Education program called (Schools Championship – Pepsi League) and other activities that can provide an opportunity for the student to obtain sports excellence.


Fourth: concerts and performances

1-The Sports Education Department and its students from 2006 /2007 participate in sports shows and annual celebrations organized from the school administration internally.

2- We participate in the external celebrations and since 2006 / 2007 the annual celebrations of the closing ceremony of the educational activities of the educational administration and the Directorate of Education have been subscribed.

3- For the distinction of the physical education department in the school and at the level of the administration with sports activity through the participation of students in sports shows, the school was granted the right to organize the sports show of the educational administration so that the joint sports education activity became the ceremony for the 2014 /2015 year 2015 /2016 year 2016 /2017 unique to the school alone Without a competitor, the sports offer becomes organized and activated by the school administration and the Sports Education Department at the educational administration level.

4- The school gets first place in the secondary celebrations with sports performances and their escalation at the directorate level for the years 2017/2018 for the year 2018/2019.

5- The school was granted for the remarkable distinction of participating sports activities by organizing a celebration under the name of generation 73 in October 2019 for the school to participate in a military sports parade in front of the leaders of the Popular and National Military Defense in the armed forces and the Education Department in the Directorate of Education and members of the People’s Assembly among many students and schools and the distinction of the department and sports activity In front of everyone and granted many certificates of appreciation from the school administration.


Fifth: Recreational activities in the department

1-A rhythmic sports activity is done on Thursday of every week in the morning kindergarten queue and the midday queue for the elementary stage Rhythmic games for the middle and high school for all of the school.

2- Showing cultural competitions in sports information during the morning queue. On Tuesday, a fixed article every week has been assigned for five minutes to conduct sports awareness under the slogan (Sport is the first way to health). Awareness is done in terms of physical-health-scientific sports-first aid –

3- Student Care Department, the Department of Sports Education is concerned with forming teams of school students to form the following:

  1. School Police
  2. The Evacuation, Crisis and Disaster Committee
  3. Student Medical care Committee
  4. The daily follow-up system committee

(They are chosen from among the athletically distinguished students and students participating in school activities to develop their leadership spirit)


Sixth: Online Physical Education Activity

*Since March 2020, the physical Education Department participates through the online activities creativity organized by the Education Department under the supervision of the Education Directorate by making sports videos in which school students participate at home due to the response to the Corona virus.

*Rising the videos shared by the school to represent the physical Education Department at the educational administration level.

*Rising the Physical Education Department’s videos to be shared on the Education Directorate’s social networking sites.

* Physical education activities are one of the important reasons for the school’s selection to join UNESCO

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