The school seeks to prepare an innovative student, enjoying moral and religious values, participating in a righteous educational climate and able to interact with society and Participating in building the Egyptian civilization that we hope to reach the top with the help of the children of El Gomhouria Language Schools.
1-The smart board has been used for many years, which allows students to interact technologically with the educational material.
2-The existence of an application that allows the parent to follow (the attendance and absence, the daily class schedule, the dates and the results of the exams, the conduct, and the activities)of his children inside the school daily.
3- According to the current conditions that the world is going through and keeping pace with the educational plan and policy at the level of the ministry, the school allows the student to use application to help him follow the school schedule daily.
4- The school application allows the student to follow his daily lessons and fully interact with the teacher online during the school attendance days.
5- The application also allows the presence of a library that saves the recorded lessons online for the student.
6- The application also allows the teacher to provide the daily tasks and quizzes that are corrected electronically.
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